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Disorderly Noise: Kicking Off a Year of the Sonic Commons
6:00 pm–8:00 pm
with Cara Michell (s l o w p r a c t i c e), Sonic Insurgency Research Group, Robert Sember (Ultra-red)
Cars honking, people shouting, jackhammers on the sidewalk, the subway screeching on tracks – there are so many ways that city noises impact us. But who gets to make noise, and whose noises are silenced both structurally and physically? We’re kicking off a year of programs exploring the Sonic Commons by focusing on noise in the city, and the creative ways to intervene in and transform city soundmaking. Robert Sember of Ultra-red will share the group’s methodologies of Militant Sound Investigation through a collaboration with students from PS140 for the ongoing project “Listening to the Lower East Side.” Sonic Insurgency Research Group will present an audio essay interrogating noise policing and noise ordinances. We’ll end with a participatory psycho-geography workshop led by artist and urban planner Cara Michell, unpacking how cities plan for noise through laws and public space design, and how to refuse restrictions through public space intervention.