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Past Events

Thu 09.12.2024 CTHQ Open Hours
Wed 09.11.2024 Revisiting Creative Time’s “Poets in Bars”: What does it mean to be a poet in New York City?
Tue 09.10.2024 CTHQ Open Hours
Tue 09.10.2024 Office Hours with Art.coop
Thu 09.05.2024 CTHQ Open Hours
Wed 09.04.2024 Revisiting Creative Time’s “Poets in Bars” with Nuyorican Poets Café
Tue 09.03.2024 CTHQ Open Hours
Tue 09.03.2024 Office Hours with Art.coop
Thu 08.29.2024 CTHQ Open Hours
Wed 08.28.2024 Ancestral Drum Journey with Jennelle Ramdeen
Tue 08.27.2024 CTHQ Open Hours
Tue 08.27.2024 Office Hours with Art.coop
Thu 08.22.2024 CTHQ Open Hours
Wed 08.21.2024 Dreaming With Mugwort: Guiding Plant Energies with the Four Vessels
Tue 08.20.2024 CTHQ Open Hours
Tue 08.20.2024 Office Hours with Art.coop
Thu 08.15.2024 CTHQ Open Hours
Wed 08.14.2024 A Griever’s Dreams with BACII
Tue 08.13.2024 CTHQ Open Hours
Tue 08.13.2024 Office Hours with Art.coop
Thu 08.08.2024 CTHQ Open Hours
Wed 08.07.2024 Dreams with AYDO Studio & Mudang Jenn
Tue 08.06.2024 Office Hours with Art.coop
Tue 08.06.2024 CTHQ Open Hours
Thu 08.01.2024 CTHQ Open Hours
Wed 07.31.2024 Sleep Date with Lu Zhang
Tue 07.30.2024 CTHQ Closed on July 30
Thu 07.25.2024 CTHQ Open Hours
Wed 07.24.2024 Dream Tattoos with Mariquitx
Tue 07.23.2024 CTHQ Open Hours
Thu 07.18.2024 CTHQ Open Hours
Wed 07.17.2024 LES Yearbook Showcase
Tue 07.16.2024 CTHQ Open Hours
Tue 07.16.2024 Office Hours with Art.coop
Thu 07.11.2024 CTHQ Open Hours
Wed 07.10.2024 Natal Dimension with Jazsalyn
Tue 07.09.2024 CTHQ Open Hours
Tue 07.09.2024 Office Hours with Art.coop
Tue 07.02.2024 CTHQ Open Hours
Thu 06.27.2024 CTHQ Open Hours
Wed 06.26.2024 Whose University? a public lecture with Anuradha Vikram
Tue 06.25.2024 CTHQ Open Hours
Tue 06.25.2024 Office Hours with Art.coop: Worker Ownership
Thu 06.20.2024 CTHQ Closed on June 20
Wed 06.19.2024 Community care, self care: an introductory workshop to Black feminist literature through meditative nail polishing
Tue 06.18.2024 CTHQ Open Hours
Tue 06.18.2024 Office Hours with Art.coop
Thu 06.13.2024 CTHQ Open Hours
Wed 06.12.2024 Culture Push Zine Day
Tue 06.11.2024 CTHQ Open Hours
Tue 06.11.2024 Office Hours with Art.coop: Governing Solidarity
Thu 06.06.2024 Reiki Circle to Call In Balance
Thu 06.06.2024 CTHQ Open Hours
Wed 06.05.2024 Flowers For Freedom
Tue 06.04.2024 CTHQ Open Hours
Tue 06.04.2024 Office Hours with Art.coop
Thu 05.30.2024 CTHQ Open Hours
Wed 05.29.2024 Seed Freedom: Economy of Care
Tue 05.28.2024 Office Hours with Art.coop: Grantwriting 101
Tue 05.28.2024 CTHQ Open Hours
Thu 05.23.2024 Twerk As a Tool for Personal Liberation
Thu 05.23.2024 CTHQ Open Hours
Tue 05.21.2024 Office Hours with Art.coop: Community Centric Fundraising
Tue 05.21.2024 CTHQ Open Hours
Thu 05.16.2024 Re-Rooting Our Relationship to Help: Reiki to Invite Care into our Lives
Thu 05.16.2024 CTHQ Open Hours
Wed 05.15.2024 So close to human
Tue 05.14.2024 Office Hours with Art.coop: Money Moving Coalitions
Tue 05.14.2024 CTHQ Open Hours
Thu 05.09.2024 CTHQ Open Hours
Wed 05.08.2024 The Metaphysics of Self-Immolation
Tue 05.07.2024 Office Hours with Art.coop
Tue 05.07.2024 CTHQ Open Hours
Thu 05.02.2024 CTHQ Closed on May 2
Wed 05.01.2024 May Day: CETA
Tue 04.30.2024 Office Hours with Art.coop
Tue 04.30.2024 CTHQ Open Hours
Thu 04.25.2024 Inner Harmony: Discovering Your Healing Power through Tai Chi, Qigong
Thu 04.25.2024 CTHQ Open Hours
Wed 04.24.2024 Mixed Media Mixtape: YouTube Spiral
Tue 04.23.2024 CTHQ Open Hours
Fri 04.19.2024 Parallel Walk: Advancing by turning and turning
Thu 04.18.2024 CTHQ Open Hours
Wed 04.17.2024 Jungle whispers and forest echoes.
Wed 04.17.2024 Demo RSVP Event
Tue 04.16.2024 CTHQ Open Hours
Tue 04.16.2024 Office Hours with Art.coop
Thu 04.11.2024 CTHQ Open Hours
Wed 04.10.2024 Rinse
Tue 04.09.2024 CTHQ Open Hours
Tue 04.09.2024 Office Hours with Art.coop
Thu 04.04.2024 CTHQ Open Hours
Wed 04.03.2024 Listening Room: Night Time Drop-In Hours at CTHQ
Tue 04.02.2024 CTHQ Open Hours
Tue 04.02.2024 Office Hours with Art.coop
Thu 03.28.2024 CTHQ Open Hours
Wed 03.27.2024 Mixed Media Mixtape with Umber Majeed
Tue 03.26.2024 Office Hours with Art.coop
Tue 03.26.2024 CTHQ Open Hours
Tue 03.26.2024 Office Hours with Art.coop
Thu 03.21.2024 *Virtual* Unpacking Stress with Meditation with Dr. D
Thu 03.21.2024 CTHQ Open Hours
Wed 03.20.2024 WE REMIND YOU: An evening on HIV & Palestine
Tue 03.19.2024 Office Hours with Art.coop
Tue 03.19.2024 CTHQ Open Hours
Thu 03.14.2024 CTHQ Open Hours
Wed 03.13.2024 The Fight to End the 24-hour Workday: Screening of For Whom the Alarm Sounds
Tue 03.12.2024 CTHQ Open Hours
Thu 03.07.2024 *Virtual* Spiritual Journey Into Nature, A Guided Meditation with Nature-based coach Raynelle Rino
Thu 03.07.2024 CTHQ Open Hours
Wed 03.06.2024 Shroomscape Game Night with LES Ecology Center & The Interbeing Project
Tue 03.05.2024 Office Hours with Art.coop
Tue 03.05.2024 CTHQ Open Hours
Wed 02.28.2024 Food Mahjong Club
Tue 02.27.2024 Office Hours with Art.coop
Thu 02.22.2024 Tattoo Session with Mariquitx
Wed 02.21.2024 Tattoo Workshop with Mariquitx
Tue 02.20.2024 Office Hours with Art.coop
Thu 02.15.2024 Tattoo Session with Mariquitx
Wed 02.14.2024 Love Letters for Solidarity
Tue 02.13.2024 CTHQ Closed Tuesday, February 13th

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Dreaming With Mugwort: Guiding Plant Energies with the Four Vessels

6:00 pm–8:00 pm

In this healing session, we will share Toltekatl and Andean centered wisdom for working with and building relations with plant medicine. We’ll then partner with mugwort through the elemental four vessels (fire, air, water, earth) to co-create powerful containers for our dreams and manifestations. This will include ingesting, meditating with, and journaling about mugwort. Participants will leave with mugwort bundles and tea blends to take home.


This is a QTBIPOC centered space, but all are welcome to join. We ask participants to approach this Indigenous wisdom centered space with care and respect, being sure to name the lineages you learn from as a way of honoring these sacred paths.


Please note: Masks are required for the entire duration of this event, and masks will be available to all guests at CTHQ. If you are feeling sick or have tested positive for Covid-19, we ask that you please refrain from participating in CTHQ programs in order to care for fellow community members.


jei laura (they/them) is a Qariwarmi community herbalist, Usui Reiki practitioner, and story weaver of the Andean and Irish Diaspora oriented in healing and climate justice. They are a community steward of Pachakuti Collective, an Indigenous/Queer/Trans/Gender Expansive collective dedicated to stewarding liberated and healing relations between humans and our other than human kin. They are also a collective member of Bed-Stuy Clothes Swap, NYC POC Healing Circle, and a facilitator for a BIPOC climate justice fellowship.


Lydia (she/they) is a Xochihua/flower bearer being, fire and earth keeper, agricultora, and yerbera with roots in Anauak, Borikén, & Cuba. Lydia centers her passion of tending to all life by way of being a community steward of Pachakuti Collective, and by creating cyclical offerings of our earth. Lydia honors her ancestrales by being an infinite flower~ always seeding and blooming in divine duality, forever growing with our earth & cosmos. To connect, follow these journeys on Instagram @ciqeyixochitl @pachakuticollective Tlazohkamati 


About Cosmologyscape

This program is part of Creative Time’s public art commission Cosmologyscape by artists Alisha B Wormsley and Kite. The multimedia and participatory public art project, presented by Creative Time, is an invitation to the public to dream. Cosmologyscape seeks to harness the duality of dreams—as both individual tools of self-awareness and collective acts of imagination and world-building—and encourages the exploration of dreaming practices through an artist designed interface. How does it work? Take a nap, zone out, find your dream state. After that, visit www.cosmologyscape.com to submit your dream, and if you need help dreaming, follow a Dream Path on the website designed by a group of interdisciplinary artists. The dreams shared with Cosmologyscape will then be translated algorithmically into a pattern derived from Lakota visual language and Black quilting references, represented first in a growing digital tapestry of our collective dreams, and ultimately, into a series of sculptures unveiled in the fall, designed for further rest and dreaming.