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Thu 09.12.2024 CTHQ Open Hours
Wed 09.11.2024 Revisiting Creative Time’s “Poets in Bars”: What does it mean to be a poet in New York City?
Tue 09.10.2024 CTHQ Open Hours
Tue 09.10.2024 Office Hours with Art.coop
Thu 09.05.2024 CTHQ Open Hours
Wed 09.04.2024 Revisiting Creative Time’s “Poets in Bars” with Nuyorican Poets Café
Tue 09.03.2024 CTHQ Open Hours
Tue 09.03.2024 Office Hours with Art.coop
Thu 08.29.2024 CTHQ Open Hours
Wed 08.28.2024 Ancestral Drum Journey with Jennelle Ramdeen
Tue 08.27.2024 CTHQ Open Hours
Tue 08.27.2024 Office Hours with Art.coop
Thu 08.22.2024 CTHQ Open Hours
Wed 08.21.2024 Dreaming With Mugwort: Guiding Plant Energies with the Four Vessels
Tue 08.20.2024 CTHQ Open Hours
Tue 08.20.2024 Office Hours with Art.coop
Thu 08.15.2024 CTHQ Open Hours
Wed 08.14.2024 A Griever’s Dreams with BACII
Tue 08.13.2024 CTHQ Open Hours
Tue 08.13.2024 Office Hours with Art.coop
Thu 08.08.2024 CTHQ Open Hours
Wed 08.07.2024 Dreams with AYDO Studio & Mudang Jenn
Tue 08.06.2024 Office Hours with Art.coop
Tue 08.06.2024 CTHQ Open Hours
Thu 08.01.2024 CTHQ Open Hours
Wed 07.31.2024 Sleep Date with Lu Zhang
Tue 07.30.2024 CTHQ Closed on July 30
Thu 07.25.2024 CTHQ Open Hours
Wed 07.24.2024 Dream Tattoos with Mariquitx
Tue 07.23.2024 CTHQ Open Hours
Thu 07.18.2024 CTHQ Open Hours
Wed 07.17.2024 LES Yearbook Showcase
Tue 07.16.2024 CTHQ Open Hours
Tue 07.16.2024 Office Hours with Art.coop
Thu 07.11.2024 CTHQ Open Hours
Wed 07.10.2024 Natal Dimension with Jazsalyn
Tue 07.09.2024 CTHQ Open Hours
Tue 07.09.2024 Office Hours with Art.coop
Tue 07.02.2024 CTHQ Open Hours
Thu 06.27.2024 CTHQ Open Hours
Wed 06.26.2024 Whose University? a public lecture with Anuradha Vikram
Tue 06.25.2024 CTHQ Open Hours
Tue 06.25.2024 Office Hours with Art.coop: Worker Ownership
Thu 06.20.2024 CTHQ Closed on June 20
Wed 06.19.2024 Community care, self care: an introductory workshop to Black feminist literature through meditative nail polishing
Tue 06.18.2024 CTHQ Open Hours
Tue 06.18.2024 Office Hours with Art.coop
Thu 06.13.2024 CTHQ Open Hours
Wed 06.12.2024 Culture Push Zine Day
Tue 06.11.2024 CTHQ Open Hours
Tue 06.11.2024 Office Hours with Art.coop: Governing Solidarity
Thu 06.06.2024 Reiki Circle to Call In Balance
Thu 06.06.2024 CTHQ Open Hours
Wed 06.05.2024 Flowers For Freedom
Tue 06.04.2024 CTHQ Open Hours
Tue 06.04.2024 Office Hours with Art.coop
Thu 05.30.2024 CTHQ Open Hours
Wed 05.29.2024 Seed Freedom: Economy of Care
Tue 05.28.2024 Office Hours with Art.coop: Grantwriting 101
Tue 05.28.2024 CTHQ Open Hours
Thu 05.23.2024 Twerk As a Tool for Personal Liberation
Thu 05.23.2024 CTHQ Open Hours
Tue 05.21.2024 Office Hours with Art.coop: Community Centric Fundraising
Tue 05.21.2024 CTHQ Open Hours
Thu 05.16.2024 Re-Rooting Our Relationship to Help: Reiki to Invite Care into our Lives
Thu 05.16.2024 CTHQ Open Hours
Wed 05.15.2024 So close to human
Tue 05.14.2024 Office Hours with Art.coop: Money Moving Coalitions
Tue 05.14.2024 CTHQ Open Hours
Thu 05.09.2024 CTHQ Open Hours
Wed 05.08.2024 The Metaphysics of Self-Immolation
Tue 05.07.2024 Office Hours with Art.coop
Tue 05.07.2024 CTHQ Open Hours
Thu 05.02.2024 CTHQ Closed on May 2
Wed 05.01.2024 May Day: CETA
Tue 04.30.2024 Office Hours with Art.coop
Tue 04.30.2024 CTHQ Open Hours
Thu 04.25.2024 Inner Harmony: Discovering Your Healing Power through Tai Chi, Qigong
Thu 04.25.2024 CTHQ Open Hours
Wed 04.24.2024 Mixed Media Mixtape: YouTube Spiral
Tue 04.23.2024 CTHQ Open Hours
Fri 04.19.2024 Parallel Walk: Advancing by turning and turning
Thu 04.18.2024 CTHQ Open Hours
Wed 04.17.2024 Jungle whispers and forest echoes.
Wed 04.17.2024 Demo RSVP Event
Tue 04.16.2024 CTHQ Open Hours
Tue 04.16.2024 Office Hours with Art.coop
Thu 04.11.2024 CTHQ Open Hours
Wed 04.10.2024 Rinse
Tue 04.09.2024 CTHQ Open Hours
Tue 04.09.2024 Office Hours with Art.coop
Thu 04.04.2024 CTHQ Open Hours
Wed 04.03.2024 Listening Room: Night Time Drop-In Hours at CTHQ
Tue 04.02.2024 CTHQ Open Hours
Tue 04.02.2024 Office Hours with Art.coop
Thu 03.28.2024 CTHQ Open Hours
Wed 03.27.2024 Mixed Media Mixtape with Umber Majeed
Tue 03.26.2024 Office Hours with Art.coop
Tue 03.26.2024 CTHQ Open Hours
Tue 03.26.2024 Office Hours with Art.coop
Thu 03.21.2024 *Virtual* Unpacking Stress with Meditation with Dr. D
Thu 03.21.2024 CTHQ Open Hours
Wed 03.20.2024 WE REMIND YOU: An evening on HIV & Palestine
Tue 03.19.2024 Office Hours with Art.coop
Tue 03.19.2024 CTHQ Open Hours
Thu 03.14.2024 CTHQ Open Hours
Wed 03.13.2024 The Fight to End the 24-hour Workday: Screening of For Whom the Alarm Sounds
Tue 03.12.2024 CTHQ Open Hours
Thu 03.07.2024 *Virtual* Spiritual Journey Into Nature, A Guided Meditation with Nature-based coach Raynelle Rino
Thu 03.07.2024 CTHQ Open Hours
Wed 03.06.2024 Shroomscape Game Night with LES Ecology Center & The Interbeing Project
Tue 03.05.2024 Office Hours with Art.coop
Tue 03.05.2024 CTHQ Open Hours
Wed 02.28.2024 Food Mahjong Club
Tue 02.27.2024 Office Hours with Art.coop
Thu 02.22.2024 Tattoo Session with Mariquitx
Wed 02.21.2024 Tattoo Workshop with Mariquitx
Tue 02.20.2024 Office Hours with Art.coop
Thu 02.15.2024 Tattoo Session with Mariquitx
Wed 02.14.2024 Love Letters for Solidarity
Tue 02.13.2024 CTHQ Closed Tuesday, February 13th

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Revisiting Creative Time’s “Poets in Bars”: What does it mean to be a poet in New York City?

6:00 pm–8:00 pm

In 1989, Creative Time presented “Poets in Bars”, a series of poetry readings held at various bars throughout New York City. It was an opportunity to celebrate the rich history of oral tradition in the city and bring poetry performances to a wide array of public spaces. The project included some of the most prominent poets of the last 50 years, such as Miguel Algarin (co-founder of the Nuyorican Poets Café), Ntozake Shange, Lois Elaine Griffith, Amiri Baraka, Eileen Myles, Jayne Cortez, Jessica Hagedorn and Allen Ginsberg, among others.


To celebrate Creative Time’s 50th anniversary, we are reflecting on the impact of “Poets in Bars” and continuing the tradition of amplifying poetic voices. Join acclaimed poets Sahar Khraibani, Francisco Márquez, Megan Pinto, and Kamelya Omayma Youssef, and poet-moderator Jimin Seo, as they read, respond to, and explore the continuing legacies of the poet in New York.


What does it mean to be a poet in New York City? By birth or migration, “poet in New York” is as much its own mythology as the city itself. If the writing of poetry is a private documenting of the self, the city forces an encounter. Historical calamities: war, poverty, racism, genocide, become inevitably the poet’s feed loop. It is the life of the poet, where private and public merge in the guise of art, resisting the humiliating public conditions made private in our ever-mechanizing world. Still, in that resistance are the living joys of a poet in New York. The emergence of a community within their civil causes, and the communal joys of building a renewing world, both private and public.


Sahar Khraibani is a writer and artist whose writing has appeared in Montez Press, The Brooklyn Rail, Magnum Foundation, the Poetry Foundation, the Poetry Project, and Hyperallergic, among others. Sahar is a recipient of the Creative Capital / Andy Warhol Arts Writers Grant, an ESB Fellowship at The Poetry Project, and a MacDowell Fellowship. Sahar teaches at Pratt Institute and Brooklyn College, and is a Critical Studies Fellow in the Whitney Independent Studies Program. Their poetry collection is forthcoming with 1080Press.


Francisco Márquez is a poet from Maracaibo, Venezuela, born in Miami, Florida. His work can be found in The Brooklyn Rail, Narrative, The Yale Review, and The Slowdown podcast, among other publications. His work has received fellowships from the Bread Loaf Writer’s Conference, Tin House, The Poetry Project, and the Fine Arts Work Center in Provincetown. A graduate of the NYU Creative Writing program, he lives and works in Brooklyn, New York.


Megan Pinto is the author of Saints of Little Faith (Four Way Books, 2024). Her writing can be found or is forthcoming in the Los Angeles Review of Books, Ploughshares, Lit Hub, Poetry Society of America and elsewhere. Megan has received scholarships and fellowships from the Bread Loaf Writers’ conference, the Martha’s Vineyard Institute of Creative Writing, Storyknife and Poets & Writers. She lives in Brooklyn.


Jimin Seo, born in Seoul, Korea immigrated to the US at the age of eight. His books include OSSIA (Changes 2024), and the chapbook A – 1982. His most recent projects were Poems of Consumption with H. Sinno at the Barbican Centre in London, and a site activation for salazarsequeromedina’s Open Pavilion at the 4th Seoul Biennale of Architecture and Urbanism.


Kamelya Omayma Youssef, author of A book with a hole in it (Wendy’s Subway, 2022), is a text and performance worker who teaches, edits, and organizes events. Her work is published by 1080Press, Mizna, Sukoon, The Margins, Poem-a-Day and elsewhere. She and you will see a free Palestine in this lifetime.