Reading, Writing & Compiling Zines Mini Zine Fair, with School for Poetic Computation
to make

Love Letters for Solidarity
to act
to make

Tattoo Workshop with Mariquitx
to make

Flowers For Freedom
to make

Culture Push Zine Day
to make

Community care, self care: an introductory workshop to Black feminist literature through meditative nail polishing
to dream
to make

Dream Tattoos with Mariquitx
to dream
to make

to move
to nourish

Seed Freedom: Economy of Care
to nourish

FOOD #2: Communal Meal & Storytelling Gathering
to nourish
to be a neighbor

The Fight to End the 24-hour Workday: Screening of For Whom the Alarm Sounds
to be a neighbor
to document

WE REMIND YOU: An evening on HIV & Palestine
to act
to document

Jungle whispers and forest echoes.
to be a neighbor
to document

May Day: CETA
to document

The Metaphysics of Self-Immolation
to document

LES Yearbook Showcase
to be a neighbor
to document

Tactical Media: Collective Brainstorm & Poster Swap with Gregory Sholette and Viva Ruiz
to act
to document

Chex Flix presented by Bodega Film Festival
to document
To Document
to document

*Virtual* Spiritual Journey Into Nature, A Guided Meditation with Nature-based coach Raynelle Rino
to be still

*Virtual* Unpacking Stress with Meditation with Dr. D
to be still

Re-Rooting Our Relationship to Help: Reiki to Invite Care into our Lives
to be still

Reiki Circle to Call In Balance
to be still

Ancestral Drum Journey with Jennelle Ramdeen
to dream
to be still
Monthly Reiki Meditation
to move
to be still

Monthly Reiki Meditation
to move
to be still

The Fight to End the 24-hour Workday: Screening of For Whom the Alarm Sounds
to be a neighbor
to document

WE REMIND YOU: An evening on HIV & Palestine
to act
to document

Jungle whispers and forest echoes.
to be a neighbor
to document

May Day: CETA
to document

The Metaphysics of Self-Immolation
to document

LES Yearbook Showcase
to be a neighbor
to document

Tactical Media: Collective Brainstorm & Poster Swap with Gregory Sholette and Viva Ruiz
to act
to document

Chex Flix presented by Bodega Film Festival
to document
To Document
to document

So close to human
to play
to dream

Community care, self care: an introductory workshop to Black feminist literature through meditative nail polishing
to dream
to make

Dream Tattoos with Mariquitx
to dream
to make

Natal Dimension with Jazsalyn
to dream

Dreams with AYDO Studio & Mudang Jenn
to move
to dream

A Griever’s Dreams with BACII
to dream

Sleep Date with Lu Zhang
to dream

Dreaming With Mugwort: Guiding Plant Energies with the Four Vessels
to dream

Ancestral Drum Journey with Jennelle Ramdeen
to dream
to be still

Resist & Build: Land & Space in NYC
to be a neighbor
to scheme

Resist & Build: Visual Arts & Music
to scheme

Resist & Build: Journalism, Entertainment, & Literature
to scheme

Resist & Build: Fashion
to scheme

Civic Dis/Engagement #1: We Mean What We Say (Subverting Political Language)
to act
to scheme

Civic Dis/Engagement #2: And Still We Protest
to act
to scheme

Civic Dis/Engagement #3: Not This Again? Let’s Scheme Otherwise
to act
to scheme

Listening with Politics with Lawrence Abu Hamdan
sonic commons
to be a neighbor
to scheme

Game Night with Black Beyond
to play

Fictional Office Holiday Party with Canal Street Research Association
to play

Food Mahjong Club
to play

Shroomscape Game Night with LES Ecology Center & The Interbeing Project
to play

Mixed Media Mixtape with Umber Majeed
to play

Listening Room: Night Time Drop-In Hours at CTHQ
to play

Mixed Media Mixtape: YouTube Spiral
to play

So close to human
to play
to dream

Resist & Build: Land & Space in NYC
to be a neighbor
to scheme

Parallel Walks: Creating A Community Forest: Artist Walk with Matthew López-Jensen
to move
to be a neighbor

Parallel Walks: Foraging in the city! What is it? How is it done? And is it worth it? with Journei Bimwala
to move
to be a neighbor

Parallel Walk with GrowHouse
to move
to be a neighbor

The Fight to End the 24-hour Workday: Screening of For Whom the Alarm Sounds
to be a neighbor
to document

Parallel Walk: Advancing by turning and turning
to move
to be a neighbor

Jungle whispers and forest echoes.
to be a neighbor
to document

LES Yearbook Showcase
to be a neighbor
to document

Revisiting Creative Time’s “Poets in Bars” with Nuyorican Poets Café
to be a neighbor

Revisiting Creative Time’s “Poets in Bars”: What does it mean to be a poet in New York City?
to be a neighbor

FOOD #2: Communal Meal & Storytelling Gathering
to nourish
to be a neighbor

Lower East Side Arts & Culture Open House
to be a neighbor

The Censored Voices with Samora Pinderhughes, The Healing Project, Anjelica Mantikas, Esq.
sonic commons
to be a neighbor
to act

Listening with Politics with Lawrence Abu Hamdan
sonic commons
to be a neighbor
to scheme

Love Letters for Solidarity
to act
to make

WE REMIND YOU: An evening on HIV & Palestine
to act
to document

Tactical Media: Collective Brainstorm & Poster Swap with Gregory Sholette and Viva Ruiz
to act
to document

Civic Dis/Engagement #1: We Mean What We Say (Subverting Political Language)
to act
to scheme

Civic Dis/Engagement #2: And Still We Protest
to act
to scheme

Civic Dis/Engagement #3: Not This Again? Let’s Scheme Otherwise
to act
to scheme

The Censored Voices with Samora Pinderhughes, The Healing Project, Anjelica Mantikas, Esq.
sonic commons
to be a neighbor
to act